An extra hour

I'd been counting down the days like a kid waiting for Christmas. March 12th was finally here and with it comes that glorious extra daylight. What better way to ring it in than camping and fishing. 

We started the two day exploits off in Browns Canyon fishing the Arkansas. I'd floated that stretch of river on family vacation as a kid a couple times but back then, I had zero interest in fishing. Heck, I was oblivious to the amount of fish swimming below me as I held on tight to that blue tube, zipping over rocks and getting soaked in the rapids. Fast forward 15 years or so and the river hasn't changed much, but my priorities sure have. 

A day full of taking turns through productive runs, heckling the shit out of anyone who missed a hook set and hiking the better part of 4 miles up and down river, we were beat. The promise of campfire grilled brats kept the good vibes rolling. The full moon crept over the horizon with a forceful glare, illuminating the valley we found ourselves tucked into for the night. All was right in the world, and the world consisted of Coors Lite and fish stories. 

Day two brought the sights and wind of the all too familiar Dream Stream. A river smack dab in the middle of a wind tunnel can drive you mad if you let it. 

All in all, the trip was a success. Made a couple new fishy friends, fished a new river and had a blast doing it.